Cancel Pickup Request

General Operation Information

This web service operation enables you to retrieve all information associated with an existing Estes pickup request via the unique pickup ID.

  • Communication Pattern
  • Preconditions
  • Postconditions
  • Input
  • Output
  • Errors & Exceptions

Communication Pattern

Request/Reply – This is a communication pattern where the service requester sends a request to the service provider. The service provider processes the request and returns a reply to the requester. This is an on-time operation, which means that there are no (long) time intervals between sending the request, processing of the request and sending the reply.


  1. A requester must have a valid My Estes user account. That account must have the appropriate privileges to call the pickup web service.
  2. A valid pickup ID is required to identify the pickup information for updating.


  1. A general error indicates that the service failed due to a system error.
  2. The pickup request update was successful, with a message indicating success in the SOAP response.
  3. Business validation errors are returned in a list with a code and description for each.


A valid request number is required.

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:est="">


User authentication and authorization work the same for all web service operations. See Errors & Exceptions below for failures.

If the pickup request cancellation is successful, a message with the unique pickup request number will be returned that confirms this success. Below is an example of such a response:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
          <ser-root:cancelPickupRequestWSResponse xmlns:ser-root="" xmlns:xsi="">
          <result>Pickup request 50396 has been cancelled.</result>

Error & Exceptions

The web service authentication will fail if the user is not authorized. Authentication will also fail if the username and password are not from a valid and active My Estes profile.

An error code and description in the following format will be returned to the user in the event that a business validation rule is violated:

    <description>Shipper state must be a valid state abbreviation.</description>

Business validation error codes have 3 letters followed by 4 numbers.


Several error conditions will cause exceptions (faults) in the web service. You can view these error codes and their associated descriptions as a PDF or downloaded as a CSV.